efnet #philosophical
Chad vs Ninja: platformer inspired by platformers of ye olden days. 2 levels, im probably never gona add more so here it is. made with game maker 5 (play with wine)chadvsninja00h
Horse Orc Rape Academy
Web Version(cross Platform, runs in a web browser): DOWNLOAD
Windows Version (crossplatform with Wine): DOWNLOAD
Play on web
Made with RPG Maker MV
(itch.io is a bit laggy for the loading of assets so not as good as downloading)
RPG Maker 2003 games:
Play with wine or EasyRPG. if you have trouble running these try running them Windowed by adding the parameters after RPG_RT.exe h h Window. or. u can play them with EasyRPG https://easyrpg.org/
Billy's Quest for Love. UPDATED JUNE 2023 DOWNLOAD Play on web
R 18+. Bugs: if you fly the airship over a door you will get stuck.
MANSION O' DEATH download Play on web
blob's quest v.1.??? download Play on web readme.html
gameplay video
Super Mario World hack: super mario world h its yoshis island + some more, theres nothing past the first castle
A zip of all my really old game maker games that i still have.
made with Game Maker 5 or 6 or 7 (play with wine. the music is mostly all midis so to get that working u need timidity probably.)
Element Quest Trilogy:
element_quest.exe you are some kid in a village who decided to go on a quest out of boredom and ended up mastering elemental magics.h
element_quest_ii.exe a sequel to element quest. unfininished. just ends in the forest because my computer died when i was making this.h
Element_Quest_III.exe another sequel. Features grassy areas, caves, a city, 2 dungeons, secret hidden magic, final boss, the evil Brad. I drew the graphics myself. also unfinished, brad wasnt suposed to be the final boss xd. h
other games:
electric_kirby.exe 2d platformer. doesnt rly play like kirby. u only have an electric shock attack.h
balloon bear.exe 2d platformer. some levels u have balloons some u dont. it loops once u finish all the levels.h
super_mario_game.exe 2d platformer. mario fangameh
mario_winter.exe 2d platformer. mario fangame, winter themed. its hard. if u can beat this u are a true gamer. idk if its beatable because i forget what the end is like, I always game over at kirby or the metroid stage or ice climbers stage. Plot: Mr. Bump has become evil and brainwashed Nintendo characters to be evil and only Mario can stop him. F5 to save state. F6 to load state. F10 to pauseh
shooter.exe sidesrolling shmup with a few stages that loop.h
shipgame.exe vertical strolling shmup. one endless stageh
operation_snow_storm.exe u are a marine or some shit. some stages where u kill enemy soldiers and do some things. click to move and shoot. wierd controls (beware loud music xd) unfinishedh
night_crawler.exe 1 level 2d platformer. its just one levelh
metroid_division.exe I was trying to make a metroid game but it sucks and not much like metroid. has a racing mode, and unfinished. (click on words on the title screen to start the game)h
the_haunted_forest.exe You are a moogle from final fantasy and u have to stay alive by dropping nukes.h
pockyrockyclone.exe only 2 stages. u can only play as Rocky. aim with mouse. wasd to move.h
spaceinvader.py irc bot similar to the duck hunt bots. python. twisted. (only works in one channel because im dum)
chat with me on irc on efnet #philosophical (use irc.servercentral.net)
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