In a certain town, a devil and angel arrived and said: Let this land be subjugated under bliss.

Enlightened Ones have not just simply had the truth told to them by others, they have realised it themselves. There is a lot to be said for the self realisation versus simply being told what it entails. Self realisation is true knowing, whereas simply being told an enlightened truth reduces that truth to mere information. A story.

In the Indian Rig Veda epic, the benevolent Devis, guided by Indra, the god of thunder, fight against the evil Ashuras; in the Persian Aveshta, it is Ahura Mazda, the Great Ashura, who fights against the evil Devis. Two rival neighbouring branches of the Aryas demonised the gods of the other. This example can help us understand the situation of the West-Semitic gods, treated in the Bible either as demons or non- existent gods. The Devis were still considered to be benevolent deities in Persia until the Zoroastrian (or Mazdean) religion become the State religion of the Achaemenid Kings. The cult of the Devis was eventually prohibited under Xerxes.132 In the same manner, in Christian tradition the word ‘demon’ acquired an opposite sense of what it meant in ancient Greece (notably in works of Hesiod and Plato), where a demon was a minor benevolent and protective deity; in Christianity this role was given to the angels, and demons were seen as evil. This inversion was due to the opposition of Christianity to the traditional religions of Greece and Rome. Those deities formerly revered were now seen to be evil (see Eusebius, P.E., books III to VI). The biblical writer used the same tech- nique to create his own religion; he thus demonised Semitic gods by associating them with the worst atrocities: ritual prostitution, human sacrifices, orgies, and so on. When reading the Ugaritic texts, however, one cannot help but see how the Bible differs, as Baal and the other gods do not seem evil at all, and Baal even resembles the biblical Yahweh. "Baal is a title and honorific meaning "owner," "lord" in the Northwest Semitic languages spoken in the Levan during antiquity. From its use among people, it came to be applied to gods. Scholars previously associated the theonym with solar cults and with a variety of unrelated patron deities, but inscriptions have shown that the name Ba?al was particularly associated with the storm and fertility god Hadad and his local manifestation "The Hebrew Bible includes use of the term in reference to various Levantine deities, often with application towards Hadad, who was decried as a false god. That use was taken over into Christianity and Islam, sometimes under the opprobrious form Beelzebub in demonology."

70. Tell me, dear, who is this God, the Creator, the Self- contained One and the Ordainer of the universe to whom I should consecrate myself. 71-72. Some say He is Vishnu, others Siva, Ganesa, the Sun, Narasimha or other similar avatars; others say Buddha or Arhat; still others Vasudeva, the life -principle, the Moon, Fire, Karma, Nature, Primordial Nature and what not. 73. Each sect gives a different origin for the universe. Tell me which of them is true? 74. I verily believe that there is nothing unknown to you because that famous and omniscient Sage Vyaghrapada has been gracious to you, and profound wisdom shines in you, though you are of the weaker sex. Please tell me out of your love for me, O fair one, speaking words of eternal life! 75. Thus requested, Hemalekha spoke with pleasure: Lord, I shall tell you the final Truth about God. Listen! 76-78. God is the All-Seer who generates, permeates, sustains and destroys the universe. He is Siva, He is Vishnu, He is Brahma, the Sun, the Moon, etc. He is the One whom the different sects call their own; He is not Siva, nor Vishnu, nor Brahma, nor any other exclusively.

I am Manifest Divinity, Unmanifest Divinity, and Transcendent Divinity. I am Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, as well as Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Parvati. I am the Sun and I am the Stars, and I am also the Moon. I am all animals and birds, and I am the outcast as well, and the thief. I am the low person of dreadful deeds and the great person of excellent deeds. I am Female, I am Male in the form of Shiva.

I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship. Thus Gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in. Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, – each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken. They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it. I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that Gods and men alike shall welcome. I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman. I bend the bow for Rudra [Shiva], that his arrow may strike, and slay the hater of devotion. I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller. On the world’s summit I bring forth sky the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean as Mother. Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body. I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and dwell within them. The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything. –Devi Sukta, Rigveda 10.125.3 – 10.125.8,

“I created you, Man, I was among the outlaws and outcasts responsible for populating the earth. While my brothers were fighting to learn how to overcome what Father had given them, I was languishing for Him. I was communicating with the great whole. So was my life, I communicated also with “Her”. Sometimes I dived and went down watch your species evolve. But I was not allowed to talk and to meet you because I was the daughter of Him. Yet I was not insensitive to your condition, Male slaves. So were you.

Many of us went down to enforce our law and thus reduce your potential. I had to take over a great city, Thus I was handled. Away from everything, in the illusion that the great whole was there, that love alone was conqueror.

Dark was the reality, in my eyes was hidden the poverty that gripped you. Maybe I would have known nothing maybe I would still be there in my illusion, but I refused it. I understand now that He was still guiding me. I gave you, Man, consciousness so that you can evolve but the heaviness you had been given prevented you from moving ahead. So to defend my act I was obliged to descend here on earth with you, taking with me my knowledge, but more than ever burdened with the veil.

For they did not want me to succeed. And I’m still here, Man. I like your species, because even if can hardly bear your heaviness, you remain my creation. And for that, I must succeed, I must also be able to free myself from the material and restore what I inherited of my Father.

Man, I’m heavy, I suffer, I know your agony but I also know your tenderness, then I will fight again for you, but in the Name of Him, I beg you, Wake up!”

Hear and be wise. The god of the sons of Adam is not the highest monarch of the heavenly zones. Above him dwells one so much greater that his greatness cannot be measured. Even the name of God defiles him,for he is not a god but a singleness of being without discontinuity. He shines with a pure light no eye can see and speaks in thunder no ear can hear. There is none existing prior to him to limit his duration. He is ineffable and perfect, standing alone complete unto himself. Neither male nor female, neither large nor small, neither breath nor flesh, the mind of man can never question his qualitiesfor he is unknowable. He endures outside of time and encompasses duration. He is the Father of Aeons. He rules before and above all existence.

Man is a machine. Man is not born to be a machine, but man lives like a machine and dies like a machine. Man has the seed of a great flowering of consciousness, man has the possibility to become God, but that doesn’t happen. It does not happen because man has been hypnotized by the society, by the state, by the organized church, by the vested interests. The society needs slaves and man can remain a slave only if he is not allowed to grow to his uttermost flowering. The society needs your flesh and your skins and naturally, nobody likes it. Hence, the whole process of socialization, of civilization, is nothing but a deep hypnosis.

Once your inner being becomes full of light, once you know no darkness within yourself, then you are religious.

The closer you come to the truth, the more is the possibility of going astray, because when you come closer to the truth, you can become very egoistic: that ’Now I know,’ that ’Now I am.’ And if the ego exploits the situation you will fall back to your old dark valley, you will lose the peak. When you come closer to the truth, a great desire arises to share it with people. But you have not attained it in its wholeness; and it is dangerous to share half-truths because half-truths are more dangerous than lies, because they are powerful. Lies are impotent. Sooner or later people will themselves find that it is a lie. But the half-truth can persist for centuries, can have effects for centuries.

Awareness is the only secret key: it transforms. It doesn’t matter what your illness is, awareness is the only medicine: it cures all illness. If you are politically minded – and everybody is... In some way or other everybody is trying to be more powerful than the other. Even in relationships politics continue – the husband tries to be more powerful than the wife, the wife tries to be more powerful than the husband – hence the constant conflict, even between parents and children. Everywhere there is conflict. It is all politics, different faces of politics. So when you come to me I cannot expect you to come without politics – that is impossible. If you are without politics, you will not need to come – wherever you are, God will come to you. When you come here I accept all your human weaknesses. I have no condemnation. I don’t tell you to repress; I don’t want to make you feel guilty about anything. If you want to play the game of politics you are allowed to play it – with only one condition: become more and more alert while playing it. Have a sense of humour, and then all is well. Sooner or later it will wither away of its own accord. And so is the case with sensuality, sexuality; so is the case with possessiveness; so is the case with everything that man suffers from.

the mobile creation is a very small fraction of the immobile and that human beings form but a small fraction of the mobile, while most human beings are little more than animals, being ignorant of good and bad, and of right and wrong. Of sensible people, the best part runs after the pleasures of life, seeking to fulfil their desires. A few learned people are stained with the longing for heaven after death. Of the remaining few, most of them have their intellects bedimmed by Maya and cannot comprehend the oneness of all (the Creator and creation). How can these poor folk, held in the grip of Maya, extend their weak sight to the sublime Truth of Oneness? People blinded by Maya cannot see this truth. Even when some people rise so high in the scale as to understand the theory, misfortune prevents their being convinced of it (for their desires sway them to and fro with a force greater than the acquired puny, theoretical knowledge. Knowledge, if strictly followed, should put an end to such desires, which flourish on the denial of oneness). They try to justify their practical actions by fallacious arguments which are simply a waste of time.

But is it necessary for us to turn from all the beauty of the world in order to come to God? There can be no doubt that the path of asceticism and pure contemplation is the swiftest and surest way to Her. But for many this way is too hard; we may try, but continually we will fall. God sees our weakness and has compassion on us; and for this reason She has given us another way: the Gentle Way. ‘Love the world,’ She tells us, ‘but love it for that it is an echo of Eternity’.

Humans are a servitor race created by visitors from another world. We 'evolved' from apes because their species is simply what they used as a base. Animal-headed figures are likely other beings made by this same process - gods and priests of ancient Egypt and the like. We were never meant for more than slave labor, things got complicated when the creators started fucking their ape-things and making demigods, nephilim, whatever you want to call them.

Truth is, there is no path. You are standing in front of the door to enlightenment, and only have to walk through it. But as people want to be fooled, and will never believe that its that easy, you need to send them around the house and block and let them end at the door again from where they left. That way they have the idea that they did something for it and will accept it. Most people don't even want to walk through that door, but prefer to keep walking around the block as it gives them a good feeling and the idea that they are on the right path

"You can't control everything, but you can control how you react to everything." "Life is too short to waste time on things that don't matter." "Don't compare your life to others. Just be yourself." "Know that there are people who care about you, who will always love you." "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken." "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." "Remember that time is precious. It doesn't come around again." "You have to start somewhere. So just start." "Believe in yourself. You are capable of so much more than you think." "Anger is a good emotion. It makes you want to fight." "Life is an adventure. So just go out and have some fun!" "Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in." "One's enjoyments are determined by the quality of one's company." Those really close to the creator live their lives taking care of the creation and helping less advanced spirits. Those humans who seek anihilation and eternal rests are simply tired vessels with lazy observers. awakening has the requirement of awareness. enlightenment has the requirement of knowing. transcendence has the requirement of wisdom.

An urban professional seeking to reorganise an area of rural practice may feel bewildered at the passive-aggressive behaviour of their rural colleagues. they are mistrusted as colonisers when they had expected to be welcomed as rescuers. Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. if you don’t let retards say the Nigger word online, it’s a slippery slope that will actually result in MORE racism.

creative chaos > destructive chaos = creative order > destructive order

Tao produced the One. The One produced the two. The two produced the three. And the three produced the ten thousand things. The ten thousand things carry the yin and embrace the yang, and through the blending of the material force they achieve harmony.

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”

an all-pervasive reality that is only perceived by those who have eliminated adventitious mental afflictions and actualized the luminous potentiality of mind.

WHILE YOU ARE AWAKE! … AND WORSE! WHILE YOU ARE SLEEPING! The “ALIEN” BRAINWASHING system known as the “New World Order” is the distorted and sickly LIE that’s used to control humanity’s mind and spirit… …in order to have total control over your body’s movements, so that it performs only the actions that will benefit THEM, and hurts and harms you, your family and your friends in a very direct, extremely painful and extremely nasty way. The “New World Order” that they are creating is not a LIE, on the contrary, it is a great TRUTH, however, they are not creating the NEW WORLD that they claim, but in fact they are creating the OLD WORLD that YOU have been living in all along, with a few new tricks and twists to make it look likea brand new world. The “New World Order” that they are creating is the OLD WORLD order that YOU have been living in for thousands of years and that has kept you enslaved, limited, confused, frustrated, angry,depressed and fearful all of your life, and has profited from it in order to destroy your body and your mind and your spirit so that you cannot remember who you are and therefore cannot remember that they are just a bunch of sick and demented, distorted, sick and twisted beings with a sick and twisted BRAINWASHING system that has been used to control humanity’s mind and spirit, in order to have total control over your body’s movements, so that it performs only the actions that will benefit THEM, and hurts and harms you, your family and your friends in a very direct, extremely painful and extremely nasty way.

Be careful, my lord, for you are once again succumbing to those soft emotions you so despise. . . .

There were no temples at all to the Lady, although she was arguably the most powerful goddess in the entire history of Creation. A few of the more daring members of the Gamblers' Guild had once

“As the Wheel of Time turns,” Moiraine said, half to herself and with a distant look in her eyes, “places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”

“They showed him the means of causing a rupture in the division which separates one plane of Earth from another. This knowledge of the other planes is largely mysterious to us even your ancestors only guessed at the variety of existences obtaining in what the ancients termed the ‘multiverse’ and I know only a little more than do you. The Lords of the Higher Worlds can, at times, move freely between these temporal and spatial layers, but mortals cannot at least not in this period of our being.” “Tanelorn lies in all planes, though in different guises. There is one Tanelorn and it is eternal with many forms.” “A thousand names are mine. A thousand heroes I have been. Ah! I am I am John Daker Erekose Urlik many, many, many, more. . . . The mem ories, the dreams, the existences.” He stared at them suddenly through his pain-filled eyes. “Do you not understand? Am I the only one to be doomed to understand? I am he who has been called the Champion Eternal I am the hero who has existed forever and, yes, I am Elric of Melnibone Prince Corum Jhaelen Irsei I am you, also. We three are the same creature and a myriad other creatures besides. We three are one thing doomed to struggle forever and never understand why. Oh! My head pounds. Who tortures me so? Who? I have learned patience, for I have lived since time began and will live on at the end of time.

It was as if they were part of the same entity different aspects of the character of the same man.

Long ago, at the time of creation, Tripura the Universal Consciousness was all alone. There was nothing other than Her. She, the embodiment of Power, who is Self independent wanted to create; the desire developed. From desire, knowledge was born and then action. From Her three glances the three gods were born. Pashupati represented desire, Hari knowledge and Brahma action. They were looked at by Sankari and became naturally powerful and Truth abiding. Those who are deluded by my maya, don’t know me completely. I alone, worshipped by all, give the desired fruit. Other than me, there is none who is to be worshipped or who grants the fruits.

Matangi Devi - "Matangi is the adviser of Tripur Sundari. She is summoned to attain command over speech, creativity and knowledge. Matangi is considered as the first mortal being and gave birth to humankind. She is depicted in various forms. She is depicted as green or blue holding a Veena, Knife and a Skull. At times she is seen seated on a corpse, holding a skull and a bowl of blood, with untidy hair. She therefore also represents the transformative power of the Mantra....."

Saraswati is also known by other names, each epithet indicative of the primary aspect of her person the worshiper wants to invoke. Some of these names are: Bharati, Shatarupa, and Vac - eloquence, existence, and speech, respectively.

watever being i met, wat makes the most sence is matangi or a form of sarasvati. blue sarasvati? all light blue light. Sophia. She is real. i want to show you how these goddesses fit across mythologies. because this is something i dont see talked about much at all.

on to egypt:

Older Egyptological books informed us that Nephthys was never worshipped alone and had no temples of Her own.

But that was only because they hadn’t found any yet.

Thankfully, we now know of several Nephthys temples, a smaller New Kingdom one within a Set temple precinct at Sepermeru, halfway between Heracleopolis and Oxyrhynchus (where that huge cache of texts, including magical texts and a praise of Isis was found), and a Ptolemaic and Roman-era temple at Komir, near Esna.

In Her Komir (Egy. Pr Myr) temple, there is a lengthy hymn to Her that identifies Her with many other Goddesses, just as Isis is known by many names. She is “the Great, the Most Excellent, dwelling in the Beautiful Country—the abode of Her brother Osiris, Who comes to life again in Her, She Who renews for Him the body that once was, in Her name of Renewing of Life.” She is invoked as Meshkenet, the Birth Goddess, Hathor, Mistress of Drunkeness and Joy, Tefnut “in the moment of Her wrath,” and Seshet, Lady of Writing and “of the Entire Library.” She is Mut and Mafdet and Meret and Heket. She is the one Who “utters divine decrees, Great of Magic, who rules in the Mansion of Archivists.” She is Excellent of Kindness and unites Herself with Ma’et. She is the Mother of Amun and the Daughter of Re. She is Mighty, Formidable, Beautiful.

Isis and Nephthys are sisters of Osiris.

from wat anton parks says Enki has 2 sisters. One who became Ereshkigal. and one who was less known about. who he thinks is equivilant to Lilith. similar to Osiris, Isis and Nephthys. more like exactly the same. Seshat being very similar to Sarasvati. knowledge goddess. wich is also others, Minerva. Sophia etc

names that had randomly come to my mind when i knew almost nothing, were Sekhmet and Minerva..

I want to show you another comparison of egyptian to indian.

In a myth about the end of Ra's rule on the earth, Ra sends the goddess Hathor, in the form of Sekhmet, to destroy mortals who conspired against him. In the myth, Sekhmet's blood-lust was not quenched at the end of battle and this led to her going on a bloody rampage that laid Egypt to waste and almost destroyed all of humanity. To stop her, Ra and the other gods devised a plan. They poured out a lake of beer dyed with red ochre or so that it resembled blood. Mistaking the beer for blood, Sekhmet drank it all and became so drunk that she gave up on the slaughter and returned peacefully to Ra. The same myth was also described in the prognosis texts of the Calendar of Lucky and Unlucky Days of papyrus Cairo 86637. In other versions of this story, Sekhmet grew angered at the deception and left Egypt, diminishing the power of the sun. This threatened the power and security of the world—thus, she was persuaded by the god Thoth to return and restore the sun to its full glory. She was among the more important of the goddesses in Ancient Egypt due to her acting as the vengeful manifestation of Ra's power. Sekhmet's feline attributes and her iconography sometimes makes it difficult to differentiate Sekhmet from other feline goddesses – mainly Bastet.

this sounds awefully similar to Kali..

Asura took the forrn of a buffalo. Then the Mother of the worlds opened Her red eyes with fury and roared once again and said, "O wicked Asura! Roar, roar! Your end is near. I shall drink your blood with joy. Come on. I shall please the Devas now."

Munda, marched with raised arms towards the Himavan. They saw there the Devi riding on a lion and smiling at them as if in pride. They tried to catch hold of Her in all ways. They began to use their bows, discs and swords, and came near to Her. Ambika got very angry at them and Her face turned black like ink. From the middle of Her foreheBd emerged forth a feminine form of dreadful nature with horrible kinds of weapons in Her hands. She was Kaali with fearful face, with a garland of heads of Rakshasas around Her neck. She had wonderful Astras and Her appearance itself created rapid beating of the heart in the Asuras. Oh! Her fomr was very cruel and fearful. One cannot describe it. She filled the whole space. And Her face covered the whole skies. Fire was coming out from Her mouth. Her eyes were bloody. She roared! And the Asuras began to tremble. She fell upon the Asuras and began to destroy them in thousands at a stretch. She began to eat up all the Asuras as Her food and there were not sufficient Asuras for Her meal. She caught hold of thousands of Rakshasas in one gip and thrust them all into Her wide mouth. The commanders of the army, the proud charioteers and all Asura-fighters of high status were nicely chewed by the jaws of Kaali. Chariots after chariots were entering Her mouth. Elephants after elephants were being churned to powder by Her teeth. She caught hold of some by the hair, some by the neck, some were tossed and kicked by Her feet. Their weapons, and the arrows sent by them, She sportfully swallowed in peace. Some of the Asuras She severely beat with Her hands and some She partook of as food. Some were killed by Her swords, and some were rendered senseless by Her mere sight. In the twinkling of an eye, the entire army of the Rakshasas was destoyed. Seeing this terrible scene, Chanda ran towards Kaali with great force. He faced Her with discuses, axes, swords, nooses, tridents, all thousands in number. Then Munda also came running with a shower of arrows on Kaali on all sides. It looked as if clouds were covering the sun in dense form. Seeing this playful act of the Asuras, Kaali, with great rage, thundered violently with Her awe-inspiring face and the fiery tongue. She rushed forth towards Chanda, caught hold ofhis hair and cut off his head with Her sword. Then Munda came running to Her in anger, on seeing his brother killed in battle. She rolled him on the ground and threw offhis head with the cut of Her sword. The remaining army seeing both Chanda and Munda lying dead on the ground took to its heels and ran in all directions. Kaali took the heads of Chanda and Munda in Her hands and said to Durga with great majesty and grandeur, thus: "I have brought to Thee these two animals, Chanda and Munda, offered in the sacrifices of battle. You can Yourself kill Sumbha and Nisumbha." The sage said: Seeing the heads of Chanda and Munda brought before Her, the blessed Mother said to Kaali thus: 'tSince you have brought the heads of Chanda and Munda, you will be renowned in the world as Chamundi."

The asura Raktabija is undefeated because of his ability to reproduce himself from every drop of his blood that reaches the ground. Countless Raktabija clones appear on the battlefield. Kali eventually defeats him by sucking his blood before it can reach the ground, and eating the numerous clones. Out of the surface of her (Durga's)(Ambika) forehead, fierce with frown, issued suddenly Kali of terrible countenance, armed with a sword and noose. Bearing the strange khatvanga (skull-topped staff), decorated with a garland of skulls, clad in a tiger's skin, very appalling owing to her emaciated flesh, with gaping mouth, fearful with her tongue lolling out, having deep reddish eyes, filling the regions of the sky with her roars, falling upon impetuously and slaughtering the great asuras in that army, she devoured those hordes of the foes of the devas and caught the blood of Raktabīja before it could fall to the ground, stopping him from creating more duplicates.

Kali was rampaging out of control after destroying many demons. Lord Vishnu, Kali's brother, confronted Kali in an attempt to cool her down. She was unable to see beyond the limitless power of her rage and Lord Vishnu had to move out of her way. Seeing this the devas became more fearful, afraid that in her rampage, Kali would not stop until she destroyed the entire universe. Shiva saw only one solution to prevent Kali's endless destruction. Lord Shiva lay down on the battlefield so that Goddess Mahakali would have to step on him. When she saw her consort under her foot, Kali realized that she had gone too far. Filled with grief for the damage she had done, her blood-red tongue hung from her mouth, calming her down. In some interpretations of the story, Shiva was attempting to receive Kali's grace by receiving her foot on his chest.

these are ancient cultures that people tell you are completely seperate, but they are not seperate. nothing is seperate, all are the same.

next i want to talk about Nagas. Shapeshifting serpents. from ancient hindu mythology. Cambodia has Naga statues and the worlds largest religious monument. Angkor Wat. more stone than all the pyramids combined. There is no way ancient cambodians built this. The canals are absolutely mind boggling. take note of the legend of the first queen of cambodia..

As per the legends, an Indian merchant ship was attacked by the pirates led by Soma, daughter of the chieftain of the local Nāga clan. The merchants led by Kaundinya fought back and fended off the attackers but the ship had been damaged and was beached for repairs. The Indians were wary of a second attack but Princess Soma was impressed by Kaundinya's bravery and proposed marriage which was accepted. The union led to the foundation of the House that became the royal dynasty of Funan which would rule the region for many generations and the royal legitimacy was also acquired through the female line in the kingdom. This also explains the reason why the serpent (Nāga) became an important part of Khmer iconography as is seen thousand years later when this historic mystical union remained an important part of the court ceremonies at Angkor during the era of the Khmer Empire.

Seraphim , Seraph. Seraph = Serap(O Serapis?) = Sarpa = Serpent. Anunaki = AnuNAGA?

this goes with what i was saying before about Enki and his 2 sisters. They are said to have snake like tails.. Nagas are interesting..

more comparisons Ishtar and Durga. so similar. all the goddesses..

I hope this can helpful in your searches. love. :)

Without Love it cannot be seen.