real alien history

wen the gods first arrived from a planet with more gravity than earth they were very tall. titans. but after generations they addapted to earth and became smaller. first the anunaki were made to work on earth. but after they tired of it humans were made from earth hominids and alien dna. they also made greys earlier wich is another race made for work. ki in anunaki means earth. there is also anuna from other planets anunaki being beings created by anu. humans were created by enki. nommo is enki. nommo from sirius. enki who is half sirian the story goes like this. the gods all live in the pleides with their leader anu. his wife tiamat has a side project here in earth. anu and them get bored in pleides and decide to come to earth to see how great it is. they come here and enlil kills tiamat and they take this planet and create a civilization. eventualy enki takes over the civilization and humans are created. the god in the garden of eden is enki. after enki took control of earth anu and anshar and kishar and lahamu and lahmu are living on mars. gor is how i imagine mars was back in its time. when enki was born in the pleidies he killed abzu. enki came to earth with his mother nammu earlier than the others. in the time before the destruction of the planet at the asteroid belt venus was a thriving planet where many goddesses lived in peace. they were humanoids with incredible technology. that is all. ginabul or kingu they were called. reptilians. originaly from draco there is where the original reptilian civilization was. they take sacrifices of animals as food back then. then people keep doing it cus they are retards. wich is what lead to the eventual collapse of the ancient traditions. then things like christianity and buddhism filled the void. gnostics were closest to truth which is why they were genocided. tantras are very close too. but not average retard hindus. tibbetan buddhism only not other buddhists. tibbetan buddhism just coming from bon unlike other buddhisms. taoism is close too. sumerian mythology and resulting western religion is the control religion. that was made to control the masses. they hailed the gods that mostly abused humans and ignored mostly the goddesses the ones mostly helping humans. calling them demons. this is why judaism calls lilith a demon, even tho she was the sister of enki a great goddess queen of earth.